Christmas Planting

Big Tiny thank you to community police officers Spike and Bree for organising a green Christmas prezzie of lots of seedlings for Tiny’s Koha Garden.
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Tiny Mud Kitchen

Another Tiny project completed this Spring:- a kid’s “mud” play kitchen! A kitchen on one side and a “Fresh Food Market” on the other – stocked …
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Tiny Tree Stump Circle

A Children’s Nature Play Area within the Koha Garden, has been on our list of Tiny Improvements we’d like to make for a while. With …
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Tiny Spring Gardening Bee

Always one of the biggest events of our year, the Tiny Spring Gardening Bee once again had a great turn out. Loads of people who love …
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Tiny Compost Bays

As part of a range of Tiny Improvements this Spring, we put in a three bay compost bin system so that all the garden waste …
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Tiny Lucky-Dip Food Boxes

Huge Tiny thanks to Foodbank Canterbury for the amazing job they do, both feeding people across Christchurch, and reducing landfill. After lockdown, Tiny Shops are continuing …
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Sharing Knowledge

Val who volunteers at Tiny Shops each week wanted to learn how to knit, so we did a Tiny Linkup and got her in touch …
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Making Bird Feeders

During the winter school holidays children visiting Tiny Shops got their hands dirty making pine cone bird feeders, to hang from the bare branched trees. Over …
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School Holiday Games

Too cold to stay outside in the playground all day – the tamariki found some games and roped in some of the Tiny Team to …
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Tiny Zumba

Lead by trained instructor Andrew, our local preschool Haven ELC came to Tiny Shops – for the first time post lockdown. Andrew lead them through a …
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Winter Warmers

During the cold weather of winter the Tiny Shops community is offering a series of “Winter Warmers”. Each Thursday lunchtime come in and try a different …
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Koha Garden – Post Covid Love

During Lockdown the garden went a bit WILD! So post-Lockdown, it’s heartening that a number of lovely green-thumbed individuals are diving in to tame the green …
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Socially Distanced – BINGO!

Running events at Level 3 seemed pretty much off the cards until we thought of hosting some rounds of outdoor bingo!The prizes weren’t in the …
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Tiny People – Micasso

Who was the first visitor as Tiny Shops reopened after Lockdown? Micasso! Michael, aka. Micasso, is a local artist who pops in to Tiny Shops every …
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Covid-19 Lockdown

Like the rest of New Zealand Tiny Shops Village went into Covid-19 Lockdown on Thursday March 18. Within the short time between the announcement and …
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Tiny Delivery Service

During Alert Level 4 and some of Alert Level 3 of lockdown, Tiny Shops Village organised a contactless home delivery service for vulnerable households in …
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Tiny Sculpture

“Soggy Napkin Festival” by Isolde Cumberbeach Made from gauze and silver thread, March 2020–installation at Tiny Shops Village in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
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Reflections on March 15

Tiny Shops Village asked visitors if they would like to reflect on the March 15, 2019 attack, one year on. The responses were included in …
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Teddy Bear Hunt & Picnic

Tiny Shops hosted a very special Teddy Bear Hunt and Picnic for all the children at local Preschool Haven ELC. ” A huge Tena Koe to …
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New Library Bus Schedule

The Christchurch City Library Bus will continue to visit Tiny Shops Village in Autumn on alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays between 1 and 2pm. You can …
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Tiny Jam-making

Ever wanted to make jam but not sure what terms like “set point” mean? Learn it all at “Tiny Fruit Jam” our …
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Tiny Wardrobe – the op shop at Tiny Shops Village – is having a $ONE DOLLAR SALE! ALL MEN’S & WOMEN’S CLOTHES, SHOES, BAGS …
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Creative Map-Making Workshops

“Explore the Tiny Shops Village and surrounds using all of your senses and contribute to the Linwood Village Atlas.” Artist Simon Gray hosted 5 workshops held …
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Tiny Music is back!

Did you know that you can come and serenade us on guitar and/or our newly donated djembe drum anytime that Tiny Shops Village is open? …
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Pencil Case-Making Workshop

Use recycled materials to make your own pencil case ready for the new school year!We are happy to have the magnificent Curious Industries already at …
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REOPENING! The Tiny Shops of Tiny Shops Village — on Tuesday 14th January. Hours are: 10am – 2pm Tuesday – Saturday. Bicycle repair …
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